YAWUW is an acronym for YOU ARE WHAT U WEAR.

We are dedicated to leaving a positive impact on our environment, help you lead a sustainable lifestyle and look good doing it. All our products are ethically produced and certified and made from 100% recycled or organic materials.

  • What is Home

    ‘What is home’  is a womenswear conceptual collection that was inspired by the recent reworked eviction painting by Adam Doyle and the mural from the artist Asbestos titled - 'What is home'.

    This question 'What is home' really moved me and became the basis for the concept of this collection. It is about reflection, accepting where we are and the responsibility to take ourselves where we must go.

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  • No Sheep Were Harmed!

    'No Sheep Were Harmed' - Was inspired by a textile that is made from 100% Organic Cotton but feels like sheeps wool. We were inspired by nature and designed these pieces as staples for your wardrobe. For inner city roaming or country strolling. 

    These pieces are made in our studio in Cork and are lined with a 100% recycled polyester textile. They take 2-3 weeks to make.

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  • Save the Farmers

    'Save the Farmers' - Over 200,000 cotton farmers die each year due to the pesticides used to farm standard cotton. We felt it was vital to create an Organic Cotton collection to support a new organic cotton industry and to be part of the movement to prevent farmers dying and stop polluting our farms! This was our first collection for YAWUW, we hope you like it.

  • Textiles

    We are committed to only developing products that are made from 100% recycled materials or of an organic origin.

    Our capsule collection is made from organic cotton, recycled polyester and recycled wool, but what does this mean for you and the environment!?

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  • Environmental projects and goals

    We started this journey because we wanted to create a positive impact on our environment, both at home in Ireland and abroad. 

    We have two main environmental projects and goals for 2023/24: 

    1. Prevent 1,000,000 million metres off wool from entering our landfills by the end of 2024. We will achieve this by intercepting the wool that was en route to a landfill and redevelop it into our 100% Recycled Wool Throws, creating a truly unique piece. The production of each throw uses 1,640 metres of wool.

    2. Plant an estimated 2,000 trees on Irish soil to help restore the native forest in the South Kerry area, half of it was sadly burnt in 2021.

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  • Ethical Production

    Ethical production

    As designers who have worked in the industry for many decades, this was an absolute key priority for us. 

    Our suppliers are Fair Wear certified, GOTS certified and PETA vegan approved. 

    We have visited a handful of our suppliers in person and hope to visit the remaining few in 2022. 

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